1         Legal Notice

The following Terms and Conditions are intended to regulate the access and use of the services and products provided by Adventure Hunt.

Adventure Hunt is an online service provider dedicated to the creation, publication and booking of leisure activities.

In compliance with Law 34/2002, Spanish Law of Electronic Commerce and with Book IV of the R.D.L. 1/2007, General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users, especially Title II, Articles 159 and 160, we inform you that the ownership of www.adventure-hunt.com and associated services belongs to Melissa Evans, with registered office at Calle La Gaviota 36, El Medano, Tenerife 38612, Spain, with NIE X9363783T. The e-mail address for contact purposes is info@adventure-hunt.com.

The domain name adventure-hunt.com and all sub domains are owned by Adventure Hunt. This domain name may not be used in connection with other content, products and / or services that are not owned by Adventure Hunt or in a way that may cause discredit or confusion among participants.

2        Contractual parties

2.1     Provider

The company Adventure Hunt (hereinafter referred to as “AH”).

2.2     Participants

The participants (referred to throughout as: “participants” or “customers”) are classified as individuals or groups from 1 to 100 persons. In the case of more than 4 persons it is recommended that the participants should split up into teams.

3        The Adventure Hunt Service

Adventure Hunt offers a number of unaccompanied activities in various towns and cities of the world.

An Adventure Hunt consists of a virtual route and various clue locations. Each clue location involves a puzzle which references items, pictures or views around the location. If a solution cannot be found, participants can use a hint or they can skip past the clue. For all clues, an explanation is provided to avoid unresolved questions. In some clues, fun facts are included as an additional part of the Adventure Hunt experience.

4        Disclaimer of Warranties and limitation of liability

4.1     Liability

Participants complete an Adventure Hunt at their own risk. It is up to each individual participant to take out insurance, if they deem it necessary, for the time they spend completing their Adventure Hunt.

We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation

4.2     Injuries and Damages

Adventure Hunt does not accept any liability for direct or indirect personal injuries or damage to property incurred as a result of participation in an Adventure Hunt.

We advise you to take normal care when walking through public areas, crossing streets etc. In all cases, do not cross streets except at marked pedestrian crossings. Always obey road crossing signs.

No element of AH requires the customer to act in an unsafe manner. Always move within your capabilities. There is no time limit, so no extravagant or rushed movement is required.

4.3     Damage and Theft

Damage and theft affecting your property during the enjoyment of your Adventure Hunt are not the responsibility of AH. You are advised to take normal care of your belongings and possessions at all times. AH routes are chosen for their interest and reasonable care is taken to ensure that they do not cross into areas that may be deemed dangerous.

4.4     Availability

AH has been checked and tested for proper operation. It is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, AH does not rule out the possibility of unforeseen conditions, device incompatibilities, programming errors, connection errors, force majeure causes, or similar circumstances that make it impossible to access AH.

4.5     Disruption in service

AH reserves the right to suspend or interrupt, without prior notice, access to the products, services and/or the AH app, for maintenance, repair, updating, improvement and/or adaptation to technical, operational and/or legal changes. AH will aim to minimize the impact of all interruptions by completing them outside daylight hours.

4.6     Defects

AH shall not be liable under any circumstances for any loss, damage or harm that may be caused by reasons inherent to the non-functioning or defective functioning of AH.

4.7     IT Safety

AH declares all reasonable measures have been adopted, within their possibilities and the state of technology, to avoid the existence and/or transmission of viruses and other harmful components to users.

4.8     Weather

Weather conditions may affect the enjoyment of your activity. We advise customers to ensure that they are suitably prepared for the expected weather. Your Adventure Hunt can be completed at any time within 365 days of purchase. You are advised not to take risks due to adverse weather conditions.

4.9     Statutory Rights

These terms and conditions and the foregoing disclaimer do not affect mandatory statutory rights which cannot be excluded under applicable law.

5        Customer Responsibilities

5.1     Declaration

Declare that you have the necessary legal capacity to contract the activity offered by AH, per the legal conditions, which you declare to understand and accept.

5.2     Acceptance of Conditions

In all bookings, the person making the booking will be deemed to have accepted these conditions on behalf of the other members of your group taking part in the Adventure Hunt.

Accessing adventure-hunt.com and/or the AH app, using its contents, activities, products and/or services offered, implies the declaration that you have read, understood and accepted these Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Booking Conditions, which are an integral part of this Legal Notice.

5.3     Equipment

The following equipment is needed to be able to participate in an Adventure Hunt;

  1. A fully charged smartphone with internet and GPS access
  2. Clothing and footwear suitable for completing the game under the prevailing weather conditions.

In the event of insufficient battery on smartphone, it may be advisable to carry a battery pack or have an alternate smartphone available. You can switch to an alternate smartphone at any time.

5.4     Age of participants

There is no age limit to an Adventure Hunt, though it is highly recommended that younger participants be accompanied by an adult.

5.5     Safety

Always act responsibly and safely, ensuring that you, the other members of your group and the general public are at no stage put in any danger. Remain aware of your surroundings at all times. If walking, ensure that you are not distracted by reading the app in a manner that causes danger to yourself or others. Always cross streets and roads at marked pedestrian crossings and obey any controls on these crossings.

5.6     Intended Use

Only use AH or its content for its intended purpose. Any other use of the content of the AH requires prior written consent (if you are interested in becoming an AH partner, please contact us for more information). You agreed to only use AH for personal, non-commercial purposes unless expressly agreed otherwise.

5.7     Reuse of content

Do not embed, mirror or otherwise incorporate any part of AH on any other website without our prior written permission.

5.8     Interference

Do not disrupt or interfere with the security of AH or damage it in any way, nor use AH in any way that may damage or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of AH by other customers.

6        Cancellation policy

6.1     Cancellation by the customer

The purchase holder will have the right to request a refund within a period not exceeding 7 calendar days from the date of purchase provided they have not started the Hunt that has been purchased. All requests for cancellation must be made by email to info@adventure-hunt.com.

6.2     Cancellation by AH

AH reserves the right to cancel and refund a purchase for any reason including, but not limited to, the unavailability of all or part of an Adventure Hunt location, an error in the price, description or product, or any error in the purchase.

7        Intellectual property rights

All contents of AH, including but not limited to programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, images, text and / or graphics, are AH property or it has a license or express authorization from its authors.

Designs, logos, text and / or graphics unrelated to AH and that may appear on AH, belong to their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any possible dispute that may arise in its concern.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing of the contents of AH require prior written authorization by AH. Any use not previously authorised by AH will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of AH.

To make any comments regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents on AH, you can do so by sending an e-mail to the following address: info@adventure-hunt.com.

8        Other Items

8.1     Revisions and modifications to Terms and Conditions

Current policies and terms in effect at the time you use AH will apply, unless we are required by law or government agency decision to make retroactive changes to those policies or terms.

AH reserves the right to revise and modify these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. Your use of our services after any of such changes or after you have explicitly accepted the new Terms by connecting to AH will constitute your consent to such changes.

8.2     Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

All clauses or terms of these General Conditions of Use must be interpreted independently and autonomously, as the rest of the stipulations shall not be affected in the event that one of them has been declared null and void by a court ruling or final arbitration decision. The affected clause or clauses shall be replaced by another or others that preserve the effects pursued by the General Conditions of Use.

Applicable legislation to the operation of AH is Spanish law.

Wherever possible, binding mediation will be the preferred dispute resolution method. Each party shall be responsible for their own costs.

8.3     Data Protection

The Adventure Hunt privacy policy covers data protection.


8.4       Contact

If you have any questions about these conditions, you can contact AH at info@adventure-hunt.com.